
CertHat Requirements - Tools for Microsoft PKICertHat  solution consists of web application and agent application. Web application needs to be installed on web server (Microsoft IIS) while agent needs to be installed on Microsoft PKI server (AD CS). Web application also requires a database. It can connect to existing database server in your organization or can optionally use local SQL Express database. If you choose to use  SQL Express it can be installed on same server as CertHat web application.

For notification and alerting purposes CertHat needs to be connected to SMPT service (for sending alerts via e-mail).
In case you plan to import SSL certificates into CertHat directly from external Internet URLs, CertHat will require Internet access (https connection).

Installation requirements:

CertHat Web Application:

CertHat Agent:

*Optionally local computer groups can be used (not recommended except for testing)

For more information please Request a Demo or request a Free Trial of CertHat.